Tools: Adobe Photoshop
Poster design 11
Main focus: experimenting with collages and masking.

Visual Artist • Storyteller
Tools: Adobe Photoshop
Poster design 06. Main focus: experimenting with multiple image layers and colour.
I really enjoyed the design process for this one – there’s so much you can do with blend modes. Looking forward to seeing what I’ll create next.
Image of the woman sourced from
Tools: Adobe Photoshop
Poster design 03. Main focus: using the pen tool.
Image of the man and texture layer sourced from
Tools: Adobe Photoshop
One of my 2019 design goals is to improve my blending ability – I will explore this through my poster series.
Image of the eruption and the child sourced from
Full poster series coming soon.
A selection of shots from my 1-month solo trip to Colombia – all taken on Canon 100D 50mm f/1.8.
Footage of the trip is available on my travel blog